Sunday, March 8, 2020

Give Me Liberty - Chapter Three Essays - Americas, Free Essays

Give Me Liberty - Chapter Three Essays - Americas, Free Essays Give Me Liberty - Chapter Three Global Competition and The Expansion of England's Empire The Mercantilist Syst em Principles of the mercantilism- gov should regulate econ activity (so more gold and silver get in than out) as to promote national power; it should encourage manufacturing and commerce by special bounties, monopolies, etc. T he role of the colonies in mercantilist system was serve mother country's interests by producing raw materials and importing manufactured good from home. Navigation laws-tobacco, sugar had to be transported in English ships and sold in English ports (then could be re-exported to foreign markets); Most European goods imported into colonies had to be through English ships, custom duties were paid. Importance- enabled English merchants, shipbuilders, manufacturers, sailors to benefit from colonial trade; gov received taxes; as a member, Americans colonies benefited. The Conquest of New Netherland New York was originally New Netherland, surrendered by Dutch to English during the Anglo-Dutch war ; Charles II=awarded it to James, duke of York (brother) to rule as pleased. Explain the growth and significance of New York. Military - minor to an important imperial outpost, launched operations against French Commercial - a seaport trading with the Caribbean and Europe Population - 9,000 Europeans to 20,000 by 1685 New York and the Rights of Englishmen and Englishwomen What were the Dutch terms of surrender? Religious Groups - Respect their religious toleration Ethnic Groups - Respect the property holding of the colony's ethnic communities Explain women's rights in New York Under Dutch rule - male were more dominant in business Under English Rule - women could become traders, do business in their own name, could inherit husband's property when he dies. T he English was restrictive toward blacks; free blacks were expelled from many skilled jobs. The benefits of landed elites- gained immense land grants, political influence New York and the Indians Explain the relationship between the English and the Iroquois Confederacy. Initial contact - English rule strengthen Iroquois Confederacy, formed Covenant Chain- support each other (helped British attack French and other Indian tribes). After 1680s - after French and natives attacked Iroquois , Iroquois became neutral planning to play Europeans nations against one another, profited from fur trade. The Charter of Liberties Englishmen complaint they were denied the right to consent to taxation regarding their liberties Charter of Liberties and Privileges - held every 3 years between property owners and freemen of New York City, reaffirmed traditional English rights The Charter an assertion of dominance by the English when English established the principle of "liberties" to which New Yorkers were entitled were those Englishmen enjoyed at home. The Founding of Carolina Carolina was d iscovered when Charles II awarded 8 proprietors to establish a colony north of Florida, then the 1 st settlers arrived in 1670 discover Carolina, "colony of a colony." Colonist relations with Indians not friendly, they enslaved and sent natives away. The lures for settlers - provided and elected assembly, religious toleration and land grants I nt roduction of plantation slavery- Planters discovered staple and rice would make them wealthier and became the epicenter of mainland slavery. The Holy Experiment Identify the origins of Pennsylvania . William Penn was the proprietor of Pennsylvania Importance- He believed in religious freedom, coexist with Indians Quaker Liberty Identify the Quaker principles. Equality - blacks, women, and Indians were equal individuals Liberty - universal entitlement, not the possession of any single person Indian Relations - peaceful, treated Indians with consideration (unique in colonial time), buy land from Indians not take Warfare - Quakers were peaceful, came to America unarmed, didn't establish military, protected by local Indians from other tribes who try to take over Religious freedom - "religious Uniformity", rights to worship voluntarily Land in Pennsylvania Penn created a gov in which an appointed council to originate legislation and an assembly elected by male taxpayers and "freemen" (owners of 50 acres for indentured servants, 100 acres for free immigrants)- made majority of male population able to vote It attra cted settlers by its freedom, religious toleration, healthy climate inexpensive land Succeeded in attracting settlers but eventually coming into conflict with Indian's policy Origins of American Slavery Englishmen and Africans Describe English cultural perceptions.

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